Kapitel 3

Word Order and Conjunctions in German

Normal Word Order in German:

In an independent clause (it can stand on its own), the conjugated verb is always in 2nd position .

            Erik will um 8 Uhr nach Hause gehen.

            Um 8 Uhr will Erik nach Hause gehen.

            Nach Hause will Erik um 8 Uhr gehen.



The function of CONJUNCTION is to connect two or more ideas or elements of a sentence.  There are two kinds:

    Coordinating:   These do not affect word order.

                und            Ich höre Musik und tanze gern.           Here, "und" connects the two verbs.
                                      Helga und Markus kommen  mit.       Here, "und" links the two subjects.

                                         Ich lese, und dann gehe ich aus.       Here, "und" links two independent clauses (sentences):  Ich lese.  Dann gehe ich aus.

    Subordinating:  These conjunctions indicate that one clause is dependent  upon the other.  Thus there is a shift in word order.

Let's link these two sentences:    Erik geht zu MUSC.   Er ist krank.

             (whenever, if)
                                                            Erik geht zu MUSC, wenn er krank ist.               Note that in theclause beginning with "wenn" ,
                                                                                                                                           the verb has moved to the end of the clause.
                                                            Erik goes to MUSC, whenever he is sick.

                 weil                       Erik geht zu MUSC, weil er krank ist.                   Again, the  clause beginning with "weil" places
            (because)                                                                                                                  the conjugated verb at the end of the clause
                                                          Erik goes to MUSC, because he is sick.

                                            Note:  It is only the verb in the dependent clause that is moved.


 Position of clauses

        You can either  have                independent clause                [comma]          dependent clause

                                                           Helga  kommt nach Charleston,  weil  ihre Mutter hier lebt.
                                                             Subject    Verb                           , Conjunction-------------->  Verb

                           or                         dependent clause              [comma]    independent clause

                                                           Weil ihre  Mutter hier lebt, kommt Helga nach Charleston.
                                                            Conjunction------------>  Verb ,  Verb   Subject

                                                           NOTE:    If you start the sentence with the dependent (subordinating) clause,
                                                                            the verbs from both clause are separated by a comma.
                                                                            The forms the structure:       Verb , Verb


   With Separable Prefix verbs :

In a normally ordered independent clause, the separable prefix verb will be conjugated, in second position, with the prefix at the end of the sentence:

                einkaufen                          Sie kaufen heute in Wien ein.

                anrufen                              Ich rufe dich heute abend an.

When you introduce a dependent structure through a conjunction, the separable prefix verb re-unites at the end of the clause:

                Heute fahren sie mit dem Bus.  Sie kaufen heute in Wien ein.

                                                         Heute fahren sie mit dem Bus, weil sie heute in Wien einkaufen .
                                                                  Independent Clause            Conjunction [Dependent clause]

                                      or           Weil sie heute in Wien einkaufen, fahren sie mit dem Bus.

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